Nidikumba, Hotels, Hotel Yala Forest, lunugamvehera National Park

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NidiKumba Forest Retreat

Tissa (Tissamaharama) once the capital of the Sinhalese Kingdom of Ruhuna during the 3rd century B.C. Few buildings from that period remain today.

The large Tissa Wewa "lake", which was a part of a sophisticated irrigation system, dates from that time. There are a few stupas sites to be visited and another four lakes around Tissamaharama: Yoda Wewa; Weerawila Wewa; Pannegamuwa Wewa; and Debarawewa Wewa.

Tissa town mainly serves as a starting point for visits to Yala National Park and Kataragama.

Nidikumba, Hotels, River National Park Nidikumba, Hotels, River National Park

Nidikumba Hotel Thanamalwila Mattala Nidikumba Hotel Thanamalwila Mattala

Jeep Safari Elephants, Deer, Leopard and Aquatic Birds Quest

Elephant Jeep Safari - Nidikumba, Hotels, Hotel Yala Forest, lunugamvehera National Park

Stopover on your way to Tissa town

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Nidikumba, Hotels, Hotel Yala Forest, lunugamvehera National Park
Nidikumba, Hotels, Hotel Yala Forest, lunugamvehera National Park
Nidikumba, Hotels, Hotel Yala Forest, lunugamvehera National Park
Nidikumba, Hotels, Hotel Yala Forest, National Park
Nidikumba, Hotels, Hotel lunugamvehera National Park
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Nidikumba, Hotels, Hotel Yala Forest, lunugamvehera National Park Nidikumba, Hotels, Accommodation Nidikumba, Hotels Thing To Do,  Yala Forest, lunugamvehera National Park Nidikumba, Hotels What to Expect Nidikumba, Hotels Thing To Do,  Yala Forest, lunugamvehera National Park Nidikumba, Hotels, Hotel Yala Forest, lunugamvehera National Park